voice actor DICK BEALS died this weekend at the age of 85….

okay…be honest…you don’t know the name, do you?  i didn’t either…but i sure knew the voices he did…

DICK BEALS was the voice of “GUMBY.”

he also was the voice of “SPEEDY” the boy from the ALKA-SELTZER commercials….

but probably my favorite, DICK BEALS was the voice of “DAVEY” on the cartoon show “DAVEY AND GOLIATH.”  we never missed that show in our home…..

what a talented man….he also acted on radio dramas like “THE LONE RANGER”  “THE GREEN HORNET”, “DRAGNET”, and “GUNSMOKE.”  radio shows only….not the tv ones….(radio shows were better anyway….”theater of the mind.”)

it kind of makes me sad to see such talented guys never get their just rewards…..oh well, i’m sure he’s getting them now!!


Author: jaydeanhcr

Jay Dean spent 30 years in the radio business working morning shows and having fun on the air. Jay is now the host/creator of a very popular radio show called “Country Legends Jukebox.” Country Legends Jukebox is heard on over 23 radio stations around the world!! And his CLJ Facebook page has topped 30,000 followers!!! This past September Jay Dean was given the ultimate honor of emceeing the 100th birthday celebration of his favorite singer/songwriter Hank Williams in Montgomery, Alabama. Jay Dean has dedicated his life to ensuring that classic country music is heard and appreciated. His motto is "we are preserving the history of country music."

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