random thoughts for thursday october 25th, 2012


your daily blog would not be possible without the help of the great gang at PIERSON FORD in ABERDEEN…..check out our lot in the auto plaza for virtually every make and model.  plus we have a tremendous selection of new FORDS in the 2012’s and 2013’s.



isnt’ this an adorable halloween costume?

i totally agree with the next thing……

i never tried the next one..i just TOOK candy from my kids…ha ha..


2.  we fell asleep last night watching the movie “SPLASH.”  it starred DARYL HANNAH and TOM HANKS…it was about a mermaid that comes on land to find her true love.  i had actually forgotten about the movie, and as cheesy as it may have been, i enjoyed it.

***it’s amazing to watch TOM HANKS in movies like “SPLASH”, “BACHELOR PARTY” and others, and then watch him become the academy award winning actor that he is!!

today i thought i would feature DARYL HANNAH. i haven’t heard from her in awhile.  she got her start in the 1978 movie “THE FURY”, however, it was “SPLASH” that put her on the map.

she also appeared in fun movies like “STEEL MAGNOLIAS.”

DARYL HANNAH is now 51 years old…here she is today.

3.  i was coming home from church in HECLA last night and was, of course, listening to my SIRIUS satellite radio.  i stopped briefly on the 80’s channel, and found SCOTT BAIO hosting an 80’s music show.  yes, thee SCOTT BAIO.  he was telling stories about hanging around with VALERIE BERTINELLI and EDDIE VAN HALEN among other stories.  let’s salute this young man…..

SCOTT BAIO is mostly known for playing “CHACHI” on “HAPPY DAYS”, and “JOANIE LOVES CHACHI” with ERIN MORAN.

and, of course, you will remember him for starring as “CHARLES” in “CHARLES IN CHARGE.”

SCOTT BAIO is now 52 years old..here he is today.

4.  SCOTT BAIO’S tv co-star ERIN MORAN hasn’t had the best of times since their shows…..reports recently said that the 52 year old is broke and homeless.  how sad, if it is true.  SCOTT BAIO said recently that he has not reached out to her, because he has in the past and it hasn’t worked out.  as he says “sometimes you make your bed and you have to lie in it.”

here’s ERIN MORAN recently…

5.  my beautiful wife and i are going to take in a movie tonight…we’re going to see the BEN AFFLECK movie “ARGO.”  it apparently ends tonight in ABERDEEN, and we wanted to see it.  i had plans to curl up on the couch with some popcorn and watch the MINNESOTA VIKINGS play the TAMPA BAY BUCS in NFL football tonight, but i’d rather be with my darling…..it looks like a pretty good movie.  it’s about the rescue of people being held captive in IRAN  years ago.  supposedly a true story, too.

6.  I AM SO EXCITED FOR FRIDAY NIGHT!!! one of my favorite duos in country music history is coming to REDFIELD….it’s JIM ED BROWN AND HELEN CORNELIUS.  who didn’t like the great country songs like “I DON’T WANT TO HAVE TO MARRY YOU”, “LYING IN LOVE WITH YOU”, “MORNING COMES TOO EARLY”, and many many more…

i have always wanted to see these guys…and i’m thrilled that i get to see them so close to home!!!

7.  see if you remember their songs?

here is “I DON’T WANT TO HAVE TO MARRY YOU”, which, by the way, was written by radio star DON IMUS’ brother FRED IMUS….


and this next one is my favorite song of theirs…”LYING IN LOVE WITH YOU.”


8.  i talked to a guy recently who is in his 40’s and has NEVER EVER VOTED…NOT EVEN ONCE…. he was griping about something about one of the candidates, and i informed him that unless he votes he has no right to bitch and moan…it’s probably the wrong attitude to have with this guy, but it burns me that we have these incredible liberties that people don’t take advantage of……we have these freedoms that others around the world would absolutely give their lives for…….

9.  it’s a good day….haven’t heard any news recently on KIM KARDASHIAN, LINDSAY LOHAN, “SNOOKI”, and other “so-called” celebrities…….maybe their 15 minutes of fame are finally up….well, a guy can dream, can’t he?


An elderly woman went to her local doctor’s office and asked to speak with her doctor. When the receptionist asked why she was there, she replied, “I’d like to have some birth control pills.”

Taken back, the doctor thought for a minute and then said, “Excuse me, Mrs. Glenwood, but you’re 80 years old. What would you possibly need birth control pills for?”

The woman replied, “They help me sleep better.”

The doctor considered this for a second, and continued… “How in the world do birth control pills help you sleep?”

The woman said, “I put them in my granddaughter’s orange juice, and I sleep better at night.”



Author: jaydeanhcr

Jay Dean spent 30 years in the radio business working morning shows and having fun on the air. Jay is now the host/creator of a very popular radio show called “Country Legends Jukebox.” Country Legends Jukebox is heard on over 23 radio stations around the world!! And his CLJ Facebook page has topped 30,000 followers!!! This past September Jay Dean was given the ultimate honor of emceeing the 100th birthday celebration of his favorite singer/songwriter Hank Williams in Montgomery, Alabama. Jay Dean has dedicated his life to ensuring that classic country music is heard and appreciated. His motto is "we are preserving the history of country music."

One thought on “random thoughts for thursday october 25th, 2012”

  1. Jay, your just too far from Virginia Beach, but I did trade in my 2006 Expedtion for a new 2012 Expedition XLT with almost all the toys this week! Glad you have kept this blog up, I really enjoy it and steal..er share some of it each day!

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