random thoughts for monday january 23rd, 2012


here come your monday funnies….

i would say the answer to the following is YES…(unfortunately)


2.  happy birthday wishes are going out to actor GIL GERARD…he turns 69 today….he starred in “BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY.”

here’s GIL GERARD today on birthday number 69….


3.  the beautiful PRINCESS CAROLINE of MONACO turns 55 today…she has always been so graceful and elegant.  here she is back a few years ago…..

here’s PRINCESS CAROLINE today at 55…..

4.  PRINCESS CAROLINE was a super nice looking lady, but my heart was always with PRINCESS STEPHANIE of MONACO…she was the rough around the edges, naughty party girl…..sounds like she was always in trouble with mom and dad…ha ha….here she is back when i had a big crush on her….

here’s PRINCESS STEPHANIE today…she is now 46 years old…

5.  DANG IT ANYWAY….the only combination for the SUPER BOWL that i didn’t want actually happened…..i was rooting for BALTIMORE and SAN FRANCISCO, and they both lost in the final few moments of their games….

and the SUPER BOWL this year will be:


not excited about the game at all…maybe i’ll have to put in one of my dvd’s of my REDSKINS three SUPER BOWL wins….

6.  HOW ABOUT THOSE MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES?  what a great game friday night…KEVIN LOVE hit a three pointer as time ran out as our T-WOLVES defeated the LOS ANGELES CLIPPERS….in L.A…..that was incredible…

and how about the MINNESOTA WILD?   they won 5-2 saturday night, and apparently scored three goals in FIFTY NINE SECONDS….which, i believe is a team record…hopefully they can keep the streak going….they need to….

7.  sources say that NEWT GINGRICH may be the favorite over MITT ROMNEY in FLORIDA…because most of the FLORIDA male voters are like him…overweight, white haired and cranky….

8.  NEWT also says that he would consider a position for SARAH PALIN…and being he believes in open marriage, she might want to be careful with that statement….

9.  a severed head, hands and feet were discovered in a park in LOS ANGELES…apparently CHER’S monthly new body parts delivery must have been delivered to the wrong address….

10.  actress EVA LONGORIA has removed her TONY PARKER tattoo….she went to a store in HOLLYWOOD called “HOLLYWOOD SHORT TERM SPOUSE TATTOO REMOVAL SERVICE.”  (they must be crazy busy out there…ha ha)

11.  ABC announced that it has picked up the pilot for a new drama series where the residents of an apartment house have each signed a deal with the devil to get what they want in their lives….the show is apparently called “CONGRESS.”

12.  as i mentioned before, the SUPER BOWL is set…and i’m having a heck of a time deciding……pizza or hot wings…..



  A group of seniors were sitting around talking about all their ailments. “My arms have gotten so weak I can hardly lift this cup of coffee,” said one.
     “Yes, I know,” said another. “My cataracts are so bad I can’t even see my coffee.”
     “I couldn’t even punch out the chad at election time, my hands are so crippled,” volunteered a third.
     “I can’t turn my head because of the arthritis in my neck,” said a fourth, to which several nodded weakly in agreement.
     “My blood pressure pills make me so dizzy!” exclaimed another.
     “I guess that’s the price we pay for getting old,” winced an old man as he slowly shook his head. The others nodded in agreement.
     “Well, count your blessings,” said one woman cheerfully, “and thank God we can all still drive.”



random thoughts for FRIDAY january 20th, 2012



1.  here come your friday funnies….

for the first one, on behalf of all men, may i say, NO THANK YOU….i think they had better re-tool their sign…

i laughed out loud when i saw the next one….


2.  we have a couple of milestone birthdays again today…PAUL STANLEY of “KISS” turns 60 years old today….and because of his age, he doesn’t “ROCK AND ROLL ALL NIGHT”, he just rocks and parties until 9:30pm…..BAH-DUMP-BUMP….

here’s PAUL STANLEY in his younger years with his band…

here’s PAUL STANLEY today at 60!!!


3.  a great singer/songwriter/ and entertainer turns SEVENTY on saturday..i’m talking about MAC DAVIS…remember his tv show?  he is a funny guy and a great singer….

i saw MAC DAVIS at the SOUTH DAKOTA STATE FAIR back when i was in high school, and he was definetly on of the best shows i had seen in my early days…

here’s MAC DAVIS from the 70’s….

here’s MAC DAVIS today on the eve of his 70th birthday…


4.  well, we cannot do a MAC DAVIS salute without some music, can we?

here’s his million selling song “BABY BABY DON’T GET HOOKED ON ME.”  fantastic song…


and here’s another number one “STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES.”



5.  and finally, on sunday, the beautiful LINDA BLAIR turns 53…and she’s still looking great…

here’s LINDA BLAIR in her younger years…


LINDA BLAIR also starred in what i think, is the most horrifying movie of all time…”THE EXORCIST.”  remember the character she played?

LINDA BLAIR is still looking great at 52, soon to be 53 on sunday…


6.  a movie i have been waiting to see, finally starts at CARMIKE in ABERDEEN tonight…it’s TOM HANKS and SANDRA BULLOCK in “EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE”…it deals with a boy that loses his dad in the twin tower massacre in NEW YORK….

this movie looks fantastic and has been getting great reviews…my wife says she won’t go because it looks so sad…i can sway her into going…i have that magic….(yeah right)

7.  i have a young lady that works at HARDEE’S, and she feeds me breakfast once in awhile…well, she doesn’t actually FEED me, she prepares it for me….this young lady bought a dog this week, and i think i have her convinced to give the dog a middle name of JAY….ha ha….just what i always wanted!!!

8.  the MINNESOTA TWINS caravan comes to ABERDEEN on monday at the AmericInn….it starts at 6:00….this is your chance to get autographs and meet TWINS great DAN GLADDEN, plus new stars TREVOR PLOUFFE, ANTHONY SWARZAK, and CHRIS PARMALE…also, you can take your picture with their mascot, T.C. BEAR….plus you can get a wolf dog for supper…don’t miss this chance to meet a legend, a bear, and future superstars of the MINNESOTA TWINS…

9.  adult film stars are complaining about a new law in LOS ANGELES that requires them to use protection while making their movies…..the adult film stars are afraid that it will take away from the plot of the movie…

10.  a man in THAILAND recently married his deceased girlfriend in a combination wedding/funeral ceremony…FINALLY, A WIFE THAT DOESN’T NAG!!

11.  VIOLA ARNOLD of WINDSOR, ONTARIO, celebrated her birthday number 101 by getting her ears pierced…afterwards she was quoted as saying, “FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE DON’T TELL MY MOM.”

12.  SNOOKI, from the show ‘JERSEY SHORE’, shared a photo of her without makeup, and she looked completely different…she was also ten pounds lighter from not wearing makeup…

13.  MARK HARMON has been named AMERICA’S favorite tv star for the second year in a row…ROB SCHNEIDER came in second, narowly eding out KATHIE LEE and HODA…hee hee


 blind man is walking down the street with his seeing-eye dog one day. They come to a busy intersection, and the dog, ignoring the high volume of traffic zooming by on the street, leads the blind man right out into the thick of traffic. This is followed by the screech of tires and horns blaring as panicked drivers try desperately not to run the pair down.
     The blind man and the dog finally reach the safety of the sidewalk on the other side of the street, and the blind man pulls a cookie out of his coat pocket, which he offers to the dog.
     A passerby, having observed the near fatal incident, can’t control his amazement and says to the blind man, “Why on earth are you rewarding your dog with a cookie? He nearly got you killed!”
     The blind man turns partially in his direction and replies, “To find out where his head is, so I can kick his butt.”



random thoughts for thursday january 19th, 2012



1.  here come your thursday funnies….



2.  we have a milestone birthday here at hub city radio today…our sales professional TAMMIE BADER, who by the way, is also my cousin, TURNS FIFTY TODAY….geez…that cake is going to set off the fire alarms today……

if you want to give her a birthday salute, let’s jam her e-mail box at:


here’s TAMMIE, getting BUSTED texting while she should be working…shame shame girlie….


3. TAMMIE’S not the only one turning fifty this week…yesterday, the woman who played NELLIE OLSEN on “LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE” also turned FIFTY…

her name is ALISON ARNGRIM….

she’s the kind of brat that i just wanted to reach into my tv and grab by the neck…she played that role very well, as everybody disliked the spoiled little bugger…

here she is back on the show…

here is ALISON ARNGRIM today, the day after birthday number 50…..


4.  the lovely, great actress JEAN STAPLETON turns 89 years old today…yep, one year away from BETTY WHITE…you probably best know JEAN STAPLETON as “EDITH BUNKER” on “ALL IN THE FAMILY.”

here are a couple of younger pictures of JEAN, including one from the tv show…this first one is of a very very young JEAN STAPLETON…

here’s JEAN STAPLETON recently, as she celebrates birthday number 89….



the T-WOLVES were down by 16 last night to the DETROIT PISTONS, and ended up winning by EIGHT POINTS…what a turnaround….

i’m not saying that this team will  go to the playoffs this year, but the way they are growing together, they have the potential to be one of the best, if not THE BEST team in T-WOLVES history…

6.  my beautiful wife and i have been waiting patiently for the season premiere of one of our favorite shows “JUSTIFIED”.  the season premiere was tuesday night, but we didn’t have time to watch it until last night…..

WHAT A GREAT SHOW….i love shows that make you go ‘WOW’ when the show is over….this show didn’t disapoint, and i cannot wait to see the remainder of the season…

7.  a smoking object was thrown over the WHITE HOUSE gate tuesday…turns out it was  RICK PERRY’S presidential hopes…

8.  today is “TIN CAN DAY”….without the tin can, we wouldn’t have a way to store perishable food, and we wouldn’t have a model for compact cars….

9.  a study at the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA found that men borrow and spend way more money in places where there are fewer women than men….makes sense….in no place do men outnumber women than congress….

10.  GARTH BROOKS is suing a hospital in OKLAHOMA for refusing to name a building for his late mother after he gave them $500,000 dollars…hospital officials say that they’re not doing it, because they are against the name “GARTH BROOK’S MOMMYS HOSPITAL.”

11.  the ratings are in and BETTY WHITE’S birthday special was the highest rated show on monday night….BETTY did great with younger viewers…but then again, at her age, everyone’s a younger viewer….

12.  a man from COLORADO died in a movie theater restroom and wasn’t found for FIVE DAYS….wow….the staff noticed a bad stinking smell, but they thought it was just the movie “NEW YEAR’S EVE.”


A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store, but she couldn’t find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock boy, “Do these turkeys get any bigger?” The stock boy replied, “No ma’am, they’re dead.”


The cop got out of his car and the kid who was stopped for speeding rolled down his window. “I’ve been waiting for you all day,” the cop said. The kid replied, “Yeah, well I got here as fast as I could.” When the cop finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his way without a ticket.



random thoughts for wednesday january 18th, 2012



1.  here come your wednesday funnies…..

the next one is so true…


2.  happy birthday wishes are in order for singer BOBBY GOLDSBORO…boy, there’s a name you haven’t heard in awhile!! BOBBY turns 71 years old today…here he is years ago…

BOBBY GOLDSBORO is still out there performing today..here’s what he looks like today on his 71st birthday…by the way, he’s also an artist!!


3.  let’s see if you remember the music of BOBBY GOLDSBORO…here’s his classic song, “HONEY.” i LOVE this song…


4.  man, here’s a blast from the past…do you remember “THE HUDSON BROTHERS?”

they were pop music sensations back in the 70’s, and also had their own saturday morning show….

one of the brothers, BRETT HUDSON has a birthday today….he turns 59 years old…here he is…

he’s also the uncle of actress KATE HUDSON…here’s BRETT HUDSON today on birthday number 59…


5.  what about the other members of “THE HUDSON BROTHERS?” 

let’s see what they look like today….KATE HUDSON’S papa, and GOLDIE HAWN’S ex is BILL HUDSON…here’s what he looks like today….

WOW…brother MARK HUDSON of the “HUDSON BROTHERS” looks totally different today…he’s the one in the moustache in the above picture…here is he today…

6.  well, we knew it had to be coming and it will tonight…OLD MAN WINTER is going to roar and rear it’s ugly head tonight and tomorrow…..MAKE SURE TO BUNDLE UP THE KIDDIES….we’re looking at a low tonight around 18 below…with wind chills down to 35 below zero…..thursday’s high will only be zero with wind chills 30 below….but, warmer weather is coming up by the weekend….

7.  more android phones are activated everyday than babies being born…that’s because you can’t turn the sound off a baby off, or put it on vibrate…

8.  CARNIVAL CRUISE LINES parent company of the sunken cruise ship off of ITALY, says that they are experiencing a drop in sales…no kidding….apparently the photo of a capsized, sinking cruise ship on the brochure wasn’t bringing in customers!!

9.  NORTH KOREA will embalm the body of KIM JONG IL, and place him on public display inside of a glass case…i have a better idea…put him in the case, add water and white particles and make him a shake snow globe!!

10.  why did the judge decide that LINDSAY LOHAN should work in a morgue for her probation?  because the judge figured that being she loves to drink, she won’t be afraid of a couple of cold ones…

11.  as i mentioned yesterday, J.P.MORGAN-CHASE BANK is foreclosing on O.J. SIMPSON’S home in FLORIDA…O.J. claims he is innocent, and wants to start looking for the real missed mortgage payment killers….

12.  MADONNA and ELTON JOHN are feuding after trading jabs at the GOLDEN GLOBE awards sunday night….apparently the fight didn’t start at the show, but on the senior citizen bus coming over to the event….

13.  GEORGE CLOONEY says he plans on giving up drinking for a few months this year…which is ironic, because i saw his movie “THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS’ and it made me START drinking…



There once was a blind man who decided to visit Texas. When he arrived on the plane, he felt the seats and said, “Wow, these seats are big!” The person next to him answered, “Everything is big in Texas.” When he finally arrived in Texas, he decided to visit a bar. Upon arriving in the bar, he ordered a beer and got a mug placed between his hands. He exclaimed, “Wow these mugs are big!” The bartend…er replied, “Everything is big in Texas.” After a couple of beers, the blind man asked the bartender where the bathroom was located. The bartender replied, “Second door to the right.” The blind man headed for the bathroom, but accidentally tripped over and skipped the second door. Instead, he entered the third door, which lead to the swimming pool and fell into the pool by accident. Scared to death, the blind man started shouting, “Don’t flush, don’t flush!”

random thoughts for tuesday january 17th, 2012

well, it’s tuesday..one day closer to the weekend, i guess!!!

1.  here come your tuesday funnies….

WOW..talk about kicking a PACKER’S fan when they’re down!!


2.  it’s a milestone for a beautiful classy legend….BETTY WHITE turns 90 today….man, she looks good for 90…and still gets around and is still working…how about that?

here’s BETTY WHITE back in her much younger days….

i don’t know if you remember this or not, but BETTY WHITE was married to game show host ALLEN LUDDEN…he died in 1981 at the age of 63….


and here’s BETTY WHITE today on her 90th birthday…BETTY, you are an american icon, and we love you so so much!!

and, of course, she stars in the award winning show “HOT IN CLEVELAND.”  a show i LOVE!!


3.  and there’s another milestone today…boxing legend MUHAMMAD ALI hits 70 today…..here’s “THE CHAMP” in year’s past….

in the last few years, ALI has suffered from parkinson’s and it has really taken it’s toll on his walking and talking…here’s MUHAMMAD ALI today on his 70th birthday…

4.  wow…colder weather is coming this week…i’m STILL not going to complain, because this winter has, overall, been INCREDIBLE….we are looking at a high near 8 above today…but, by wednesday night the low will drop to around 18 below with wind chills around 30 below….thursday’s high will only be ZERO…however, there is  a silver lining….sunny and mid 30’s all weekend long into monday!!

5.  i took my tux back yesterday after using it for the SNOW QUEEN FESTIVAL..i told them yesterday that this next year i want a WHITE TUX or i’m not doing the festival…..(wow, am i turning into a diva?)

of course, they know i’m not serious about not doing the festival, but i am serious about using a white tux….

i may look okay in it, but i won’t look as good as this guy….

6.  i really don’t know why i walk around singing certain songs, but last night it was “DANNY’S SONG” by LOGGINS AND MESSINA…couldn’t get it out of my head…..

here, i’ll help you get it stuck in your head, too!!


KENNY LOGGINS wrote this song for his brother DANNY after the birth of DANNY’S first son….

7.  congress set a record by passing the fewest bills in history…this year it was a congress that showed less activity than a KARDASHIAN cat scan….

8.  a man from NEVADA died by getting caught in a wood chipper…his viewing at the funeral home will be held in room 212, 346, 434 and 476.

9.  J.P. MORGAN CHASE has started foreclosure proceedings against O.J. SIMPSON’S florida home…luckily for O.J., he still has a place to stay…

10.  LINDSAY LOHAN goes before a judge today for a probation progress report….she worked this weekend at the morgue….she’s getting rave reviews for her work at the morgue, other than from families who are angry that when their loved ones first came in they were wearing jewelry…

11.  JON HUNTSMAN announced yesterday that he was dropping out of the presidential race…he had no choice….those were the terms after he made a bet that the PACKERS would beat the GIANTS….

12.  according to a new survey, most people feel guilty after eating fast food…but, it’s nothing that a MCRIB or a WHOPPER can’t cure….


A man and a woman were having dinner in a fine restaurant. Their waitress, taking another order at a table a few paces away, noticed that the man was slowly sliding down his chair and under the table, with the woman was acting unconcerned.
     The waitress watched as the man slid all the way down his chair and out of sight under the table. Still, the woman dining across from him appeared calm and unruffled, apparently unaware that her dining companion had disappeared.
     After the waitress finished taking the order, she came over to the table and said to the woman, “Pardon me, ma’am, but I think your husband just slid under the table.”
     The woman calmly looked up at her and replied firmly, “No he didn’t. He just walked in the door.”



random thoughts for monday january 16th, 2012



1.  here come your monday funnies….

“okay, mrs. planters, i have some good news and some bad news.”


2.  yesterday during football, i switched back and forth between the game and the 1981 smash movie “AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON.” always liked that movie….pretty good story, and SCARY AS HECK…

today we’re going to feature the two stars of the show, DAVID NAUGHTON and GRIFFIN DUNNE….

DAVID NAUGHTON got his start in commercials…you probably remember him as the “DR. PEPPER GUY.”  remember this commercial?


he also had a hit song called “MAKIN’ IT.”  check it out…


but, DAVID NAUGHTON is best known for the starring role in the horror movie “AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON.”

he also starred opposite PAM DAWBER in the 80’s sitcom “MY SISTER SAM.”

you may recall that the young girl in the show, REBECCA SCHAEFFER was gunned down in 1989 by an obsessed fan…

DAVID NAUGHTON is now 60 years old!!  soon to be 61 in february..


3.  actor/producer GRIFFIN DUNNE portrayed DAVID’S best friend in the hit horror movie. 

GRIFFIN DUNNE went on to appear in movies such as “WHO’S THAT GIRL”, “THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN”, “QUIZ SHOW”, and many others…in fact, he has appeared in over 40 big screen and tv movies…..

GRIFFIN is the son of the famous DOMINICK DUNNE.

GRIFFIN DUNNE is now 56 years old…here he is today….


4.  congratulations are in order for the new south dakota snow queen,  ALYXIS PERRY OF FREDERICK….she was chosen saturday night at the festival….i had the pleasure of emceeing the event, and i would like to say the gang at ABERDEEN CENTRAL…you have a BEAUTIFUL theater…the sound is incredible…the lighting is wonderful, and it’s just overall a great place to entertain….

5.  wow….the NFC playoffs didn’t quite go the way i thought they would….the GREEN BAY PACKERS and the NEW ORLEANS SAINTS are OUT!!!  the high flying and high scoring teams were beaten this weekend by THE NEW YORK GIANTS and the SAN FRANCISCO 49’ERS….

probably the biggest shock was the PACKERS losing at LAMBEAU FIELD…that doesn’t happen often…the GIANTS manhandled them yesterday….

in the AFC the NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS had no trouble with the DENVER BRONCOS and the BALTIMORE RAVENS beat the HOUSTON TEXANS…

this weekend’s winners go to the SUPER BOWL…it’s the NEW YORK GIANTS at the 49’ERS, and the RAVENS at the PATRIOTS….

6.  get ready for tomorrow…tuesday is “DITCH YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION DAY”….yep, it’s true…unfortunately, many people have already done so….

7.  SAMSUNG has a new “voice controlled” tv…it’s perfect for those who have physical limitations like an injured thumb….

8.  a study at U.C.-SAN DIEGO, said that the sex lives of women over 80 is plentiful, and the women really enjoy it…crap..you know what that means…another “SEX AND THE CITY” movie….

9.  a CALIFORNIA man is under arrest for trying to kill his wife by poisoning her RICE KRISPIES…she didn’t eat enough to die, though…she stopped when she heard her cereal say “SNAP! CRACKLE! GAAAK!”

10.  MADONNA said in a recent interview that she’s ready to get married again and is currently looking for “MR. RIGHT.”  although, at her age, she should be looking for “MR. ABLE TO DRIVE AT NIGHT.”


a pastor went to visit his 93 year old church member that was in the hospital and was quickly failing….the pastor loved this guy because he was very spiritual and very inspiring to people.  while the pastor and the family stood by the bedside, the old man motioned to the pastor to give him a piece of paper and a pen to write something.  the man wrote something down, handed it to the pastor and died. 

the pastor decided that it must have been something inspirational that the old man wrote, so he decided NOT to read it until the guys funeral.

so, at the funeral, the pastor gave the old man’s eulogy, and then announced to his family and friends that the old man had written something down right before he died, and he wanted to read for the first time…..

the pastor said, “old ROY was such a good christian and so inspirational to people, so let’s find out what his last words were.” the pastor opens the note and reads, “you stupid moron, you’re standing on my oxygen hose!!”





random thoughts for friday january 13th, 2012


your daily blog is sponsored by FLOORMAX in ABERDEEN…they have the largest selection of in stock flooring in a 150 mile radius of ABERDEEN…so, that begs the question….WHY WOULD YOU GO ANYWHERE ELSE?  see them in the auto plaza in ABERDEEN….


1.  here come some funnies to tickle your funny bone…..


2.  i have never really understood the “confetti comedy” of comedian RIP TAYLOR…but, apparently millions of other people have, because he’s had a tremendous career…..RIP TAYLOR is turning 78 today, so we thought we would salute him….

here he is in his early years, which don’t look much different than the later years…ha ha

here he is with DEBBIE REYNOLDS…

here’s RIP TAYLOR today throwing confetti….


3.  this is going to make some of you feel old…..BILLY GRAY, who played “BUD ANDERSON” on “FATHER KNOWS BEST”, turns 74 today….yep…..everybody remembers that cute little boy…here he is with his tv family…..BILLY GRAY is in the bottom right corner…

and here’s BILLY GRAY today at 74……


4.  SOUTH DAKOTA is in mourning….we lost an icon yesterday…former governor BILL JANKLOW died of brain cancer yesterday at the age of 72…….

putting politics aside, we should all remember the things he did for our station.  JANKLOW helped really put our state on the map…you can do that when you’re governor for 16 years….which is longer than ANY OTHER GOVERNOR IN OUR STATE…..

here he is when he was much younger….

you almost didn’t have to even have a heart inside of you to not be affected by his comments a few weeks ago when he announced his brain cancer.  MR. JANKLOW was very somber, even crying at times talking about his life coming to an end…..i’m not making light of his illness, but i am envious of his having weeks to say goodbye and close out your life on earth….many people do not get that luxury….

here’s a photo of BILL JANKLOW the night he announced he was dying…you will notice the stapes in the side of his head from brain surgery…

flags are being flown at half staff until after JANKLOW’S funeral next week….

we thank you MR. JANKLOW for everything you did for the state…we may not have always agreed with you, but we can’t deny the passion and the love you had for our state…..GOD BLESS YOU, SIR….

5.  i had met BILL JANKLOW a few times, and i can tell you, that every time i met him he was so so so courteous.  very smart man, too….

my favorite memory of him is when we both competed in a “celebrity race” at the BROWN COUNTY SPEEDWAY….i drove the race car of a friend of mine from LISBON, N.D. by the name of TODD CARTER….i was claustrophobic in the car…i really didn’t like it, and then they put the helmet on me and i just about went crazy….but, i continued the race anyway…..

i sucked at driving…JANKLOW LAPPED ME TWICE…no kidding, he really did…..he gave me crap after the race because everybody else was already in the pits getting out of their cars when i came past the finish line…..ha ha

i’ll never drive another race car, i can guarantee you that….but i wouldn’t trade that race for anything, for the chance to visit with BILL JANKLOW and the memories i have of visiting with him.


it’s the “I HATE WINTER” parties this weekend at the game as the “BLAST THE BLIZZARD”…the ALEXANDRIA BLIZZARD…however, i’m now 47 years old…i sincerely doubt that i will wear shorts and a festive shirt to the game…..i’ll just stick to my WING’S jersey…

7.  a parent group wants to reintroduce the subject of breastfeeding to SESAME STREET, so kids know the natural way to feed a baby…hey, it’s either that or we can have them watch BIG BIRD try to feed a baby thru regurgitation…..(that episode will be sponsored by the letters DOUBLE-D)

8.  wow..this is weird, but true….a 46 year old man drowned by jumping into a vat of glenfiddich whiskey….his family will honor his wishes and have him buried on the rocks….(screw the embalming…this guy’s about as preserved as he can get!)

9.  MISSISSIPPI governor HALEY BARBOUR has pardoned 200 prisoners…..

in a related note..


10.  KATE GOSSELIN from “KATE PLUS 8” is beginning a new career as a cruise hostess…..the only thing is that when her entire family is on board, they can’t stand on the same side of the ship.

11.  KHLOE KARDASHIAN is slamming reports that the late ROBERT KARDASHIAN is not her father….damn…the one time they didn’t tape themselves having sex…………………………

12.  did you hear that the scientific world has officially recognized a newly discovered poisonous viper?  no..wait..hold the phone…it’s just another republican debate…


A blonde, a red head and a brunette were competing in the English Channel Breast Stroke Competition. The redhead won and the brunette came in second. However, there was no sign of the final contestant. Hours and hours went by causing grave concern and worry. Just as everyone was losing hope, the blonde finally arrived.

The crowd was extremely happy and relieved to see her. They embraced the young girl as she came ashore. After all of the excitement died down, she leaned over to the judge and whispered, “I hate to be a bad loser, but I think those other girls used their arms.”



random thoughts for thursday january 12th, 2012



FLOORMAX in ABERDEEN proudly brings you today’s daily blog….

have you been there yet? if not, c’mon, check it out…the largest in stock selection within a 150 mile radius is waiting for you.  they’re located in the auto plaza in ABERDEEN…


1.  here come your thursday funnies…..

**i just figured out my “to-do” list for today…

i CANNOT TELL YOU how many times i have done the following thing in the past years…wow….

this next sign should teach any parents not to watch their kids!!

absolutely no words are needed for the next one…ha ha


2.  happy birthday wishes are in order today for country music/pop singer/legend RAY PRICE…he turns 86 years old today….

i wanted to feature him because he is definetly a living legend…this guy was so traditional country back in the 50’s and 60’s, crossed over to pop in the 70’s, and has been touring on the road since the 50’s…AND STILL GOING TODAY….

i had a chance to not only see him in concert a few years back, but also meet him….i had met GARTH BROOKS, ALAN JACKSON, GEORGE STRAIT, and others, but i SHOOK when i met RAY PRICE…that’s how big this guy is….

i guess, one of the big reasons i’m such a fan, is that years ago, RAY PRICE shared an apartment with my musical idol HANK WILLIAMS after HANK had left his wife for awhile….from what i hear, these guys were nothing but trouble together…ha ha

here’s RAY in his early years….



2.  do you remember RAY PRICE’S big hits?  well, i’m about to remind you…

here’s the all time classic “HEARTACHES BY THE NUMBER.”


and here’s the song that transcended country music into pop music, and became one of the biggest selling songs of the entire 1970’s….here’s RAY PRICE and “FOR THE GOOD TIMES.”


3.  have you ever wondered whatever happened to the “INGALLS’S MAMA” ?  her name is KAREN GRASSLE, and she played CAROLINE INGALLS on “LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE”…..what a beautiful woman she was, and is…here she is back on the show…

KAREN GRASSLE has done some acting and stage work since the show…she was once in a production of “DRIVING MISS DAISY.”

she is now 69 years old…she turns 70 in february…WOW…and is still beautiful!!!

4.  if a friend of mine and I figured it out right yesterday, this saturday night will be the 15th time i’ve hosted the SOUTH DAKOTA SNOW QUEEN FESTIVAL….i know FOR SURE it’s been over a dozen years, but, if our calculations are right, that’s what it is……man, that’s a lot of pageants…..AND I’M ONLY 28 YEARS OLD…HOW DOES THAT WORK?

5.  i was a dead hunk of nothing last night..ha ha…the previous night i only slept two hours total, so, last night my butt was on the couch by 6:15, and i really don’t remember much after that….sometimes we need to go into short comas like that….

6.  it’s a new episode of “THE OFFICE” tonight….and i don’t care..ever since ANDY took over as boss and STEVE CARRELL left, the show hasn’t been the same….i would normally be excited all day long for tonight, but, that feeling is gone….oh, i’ll watch it, but it’s not the same….

7.  HOSTESS, the makers of TWINKIES, has filed for bankruptcy….i wonder if it’s just a coincidence that this happened right after CHARLES BARKLEY went on WEIGHT WATCHERS….

8.  in ARKANSAS,  a criminal forced a 73 year old woman to rob a bank…why?  i’m sure that he figured he didn’t need to get her a ski mask when she could just pull her rubber pants over her head….

9.  a man from FLORIDA was arrested last weekend for animal cruelty when he drove his jeep thru a flock of seagulls….next he plans on driving his car thru “WHAM”, and “FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD.”  (you have to be a child from the 80’s to appreciate this one!)

10.  LINDSAY LOHAN reportedly owes over $93,000 dollars to the I.R.S…..to pay it off, she plans on appearing nude in next month’s “INTERNAL REVENUE DIGEST.”

11.  VAN HALEN with original lead singer DAVID LEE ROTH have released on song called “TATTOO.”  it’s apparently the answer to fans asking them, “is that a tattoo or a liver  spot?”


Maxine took her car to her mechanic. She told him “Every time I take any of my friends out in my car, after a while there is this terrible smell! It never happens when I am on my own.”
    This quite intrigued the mechanic so he said, “OK, let’s go for a spin and see what the problem is.”
    Off they went.
    She drove down a one-way street in the wrong direction at 70 MPH, swerving, hitting the curb on both sides of the street, narrowly missed three pedestrians in pedestrian crossings, ran several red lights, and just missed a policeman on street traffic duty.
    They returned to the shop and she said, “There it is now, there’s that terrible smell. Can you smell it?”
    “Smell it? Lady, I’m sittin’ in it!”