random thoughts for thursday november 15th, 2012



you favorite blog is brought to you by PIERSON FORD in the auto plaza in ABERDEEN….

we are the home of the “100 percent finance guarantee.”  which means, if you or somebody you know has been turned down at other dealerships because of credit problems, PIERSON FORD will take care of you…we’re more concerned with helping you DEVELOP your credit than waste time complaining about how you got there….and we’ve all had situations in our lives…….talk to the friendly staff at PIERSON FORD….get all the information by clicking on this link…




doggone it…i wish i would have thought of this scheme a few weeks back…

i’ll bet that we can get a whole bunch of “AMENS” to the next one….

do you know of anybody who fits in the next category?  unfortunately, i do….

good old MAXINE is at it again…

and finally…unfortunately this happens to be true in some cases….


2.  there’s big movie news about a classic movie……apparently there is a blue-ray disc out now of the classic horror movie “ROSEMARY’S BABY”, starring MIA FARROW…..believe it or not, i have never seen that movie….and the fact that i’m a horror movie nut adds to the fact that it is weird that i haven’t watched it…..but everyone who watches it says it’s one of the best horror movies of all time….i can remember when i was little my mom and dad talked about this movie….they were scared stiff watching it, apparently….

today we’re going to salute the beautiful MIA FARROW…..here’s a couple of younger pictures of her…..



she had a highly publicized marriage to FRANK SINATRA, that some say was ended by the success of “ROSEMARY’S BABY.”

and, of course, who can forget the WOODY ALLEN debacle….this scandal is already 20 years old….WOODY ALLEN married one of his adopted daughters…..and by the way, they are still married…..

MIA FARROW is still alive and kicking…she is now 67 years old…..


3.  i was listening to a sports radio station out of MINNEAPOLIS yesterday, and they were talking about our MINNESOTA TWINS, and the fact that players start their career out here and go elsewhere to make the big bucks and become superstars…..case in point, TORII HUNTER…..

TORII HUNTER was a fan favorite of the TWINS, and ended up in an ANGELS uniform…well, now it looks like TORII HUNTER  is going to come back and haunt us IN OUR OWN DIVISION….it was announced yesterday that TORII HUNTER has signed with the DETROIT TIGERS…..wow….

here’s my beef…the MINNESOTA TWINS told all of us that if they got to build a stadium, they would increase their payroll and bring in superstars to help the team win a world series….it hasn’t happened…in fact, the TWINS have endured a couple of seasons of 90 plus losses……..we let go of stars like MICHAEL CUDDYER and JASON KUBEL…they go off to other teams and have incredible years this past year….the TWINS had better start making wise decisions….if winning a world series means trading JOE MAUER to get some seriously good players, then i say “go for it.”  i know that MAUER is a hometown boy, and pretty much the “face” of the franchise, but his huge huge salary is paralyzing our favorite team…and it keeps us from getting some big names pitchers, which we need…..don’t get me wrong, i HOPE THAT JOE MAUER IS A TWINS PLAYER FOR LIFE…i love the guy….but, 90 plus losses is unacceptable……….especially with a new stadium and a promise to bring in bigger and better players…..


“YEAH BUDDY….”   that’s right, comedian PAULY SHORE is coming to the ramkota convention center on december 8th……two shows….you probably remember him from movies like “ENCINO MAN”, “JURY DUTY”,  and my favorite, “SON IN LAW.”

however, my absolute favorite thing that PAULY SHORE has done, is the dark comedy, but very very funny comedy called “PAULY SHORE IS DEAD.”

he starts a rumor about his own demise, to see how people will react to it…IT’S HILARIOUS…..

PAULY SHORE should be a pretty funny show in ABERDEEN….

for tickets call 605-229-4040, or go to the ramkota hotel, north highway 281 in ABERDEEN…..


5.  okay, so we get PAULY SHORE, and GALLAGHER has already been here among some other funny comedians….but i’m waiting for one guy…i would absolutely GO CRAZY to see this guy…who is it?

GILBERT GOTTFRIED….i find him incredibly funny…incredibly filthy, but funny……his comedy would rock ABERDEEN, but his language might turn off some prudes…….

6.  rumors are swirling that DONALD TRUMP will be in the MACY’S THANKSGIVING PARADE…makes sense…they already have the HOT AIR….now they just need enough rope to hold him up and hold his hair down….


7.  i just heard that CHANNING TATUM is the “sexiest man alive.”  YUCK…..don’t like this guy…i don’t think he’s that attractive, and i think he’s a very mediocre actor……by the way, a distant second….YOURS TRULY…..(yeah right…)


Three vampires walk into a bar and sit down at a table. The waitress comes over
and asks the first vampire what he would like. The first vampire responds, “I
vould like some blood.”

The waitress turns to the second vampire and asks
what he would like. The vampire responds, “I vould like some blood.”

waitress turns to the third vampire and asks what he would like. The vampire
responds, “I vould like some plasma.”

The waitress looks up and says,
“Let me see if I have this order correct. You want two bloods and a blood






random thoughts for monday november 12th, 2012


a big AMEN to the next one….


your daily blog would not be possible with out the gang at PIERSON FORD in ABERDEEN….we’re located on north highway 281 in the auto plaza. tons of great vehicles….pre-owned and new…you can always see the vehicles at piersonford.com………..





i think this next one is WAY too much to ask…..


if the next one was true, the fire department’s wouldn’t be able to keep up….

i’ve heard of “bakin” in the sun, but this is ridiculous….


2.  actress KIM HUNTER would have been 90 years old today, if she hadn’t passed away in 2002 at the age of 79…..don’t know KIM HUNTER?  i bet you do….

KIM HUNTER, played opposite MARLON BRANDO in the classic “A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE.”  she played the famous role of “STELLA.”

however, KIM HUNTER’S most famous role came with lots of makeup…she played DR. ZIRA in the 1968 classic “PLANET OF THE APES.”

here she is with her movie co-star RODDY MCDOWELL….

here’s a picture of KIM HUNTER later in life….


3.  my favorite movie “THE WIZARD OF OZ” can’t keep it’s name out of the news, even after all these years…AND I LOVE IT…..

there was an auction the other day where the original dress that JUDY GARLAND wore in the movie was auctioned off….how much did it go for?

$480,000….that’s right…FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS……. (grandpa, can i borrow some money?)

and, of course, with any celebrity auction, there needs to be something totally ridiculous on the sale….what was this sales goofy entry?

A SLICE OF WEDDING CAKE FROM PRINCE WILLIAMS WEDDING……going for $1375…..THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS…..i’m pretty sure i could find something a little better to do with thirteen hundred dollars…….



i’m sorry, but i have to do this for all MINNESOTA VIKINGS, GREEN BAY PACKERS, and DETROIT LIONS fans…

this is dedicated to KYLE ZIMMER at PIERSON FORD, and my buddy STEWART in WARNER….


5.  okay..on to some SERIOUS NFL NEWS…

***ADRIAN PETERSON IS A BEAST….man, that VIKING’S running back can change a game in seconds….i was watching football with my wife yesterday, and i said, “ADRIAN REALLY NEEDS TO BREAK ONE FOR A TOUCHDOWN TO HELP MY FANTASY TEAM.”  boom…next play he did….i guess i need to ask more…..the VIKINGS looked great without their star PERCY HARVIN in the game……CHRISTIAN PONDER actually looked like an NFL quarterback….

***JAY CUTLER may be out with a concussion for the CHICAGO BEARS….he was drilled last night….well, their backup quarterback JASON CAMPBELL came in the game….he’s a former REDSKINS quarterback, so i know him well…all i can say is this….GOOD LUCK BEARS FANS…YOU’RE GOING TO NEED IT WITH THIS GUY……he always had that “deer in the headlites” look all the time….

***the 49’ERS and RAMS game ended up in a tie….i don’t think that should happen…you watch a game for almost four hours, and then it ends tied up?  how defeating…….(no pun intended)

***you have to believe that ANDY REID is out in PHILADELPHIA…and MICHAEL VICK is probably out with him…..the EAGLES were hammered by my most hated team, THE DALLAS COWBOYS…VICK went out with an injury, and, quite possibly, may have played his last game with the EAGLES….so says some experts at ESPN…

***IS REX RYAN AN IDIOT?  well, i’m not a fan of his or his brother’s, so i really don’t care…however, i will ask this question…”at what point do you go with TIM TEBOW and drop MARK SANCHEZ?”…wow…the JETS stunk it up yesterday….the fans are screaming TEBOW, but REXY won’t budge……he may budge as he’s being pushed out of the coaches office……permanently….


6.  because of our boy’s high recommendations, we sat down and watched the movie “MOONRISE KINGDOM.” 

the movie should be incredible with the cast including BILL MURRAY, BRUCE WILLIS,  EDWARD NORTON and others….

it was…umm….OKAY…..JEANNIE really didn’t care for it…in fact, she told me to get ahold of our son MITCHELL and tell him he owed us six dollars for the rental…ha ha…

this movie had it’s moments of cuteness….kind of a cute plot of two kids running away who were “in love”……the cast is good, but most of the movie just couldn’t keep us entertained……maybe i could watch it again and get more out of it, but i seriously don’t think i’ll be doing that……


7.  FLORIDA has finally finished counting their ballots…and the winner?  AL GORE….oh wait a minute…..



“i drank orange juice right after i brushed my teeth…now i truly know what death tastes like.”


9.  JOKE OF THE DAY: (a groaner)

A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate
that her name is Patricia Whack.

“Miss Whack, I’d like to get a $30,000
loan to take a holiday.” Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name.
The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it’s
okay, he knows the bank manager.

Patty explains that he will need to
secure the loan with some collateral. The frog says, “Sure. I have this,” and
produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall, bright pink and
perfectly formed. Very confused, Patty explains that she’ll have to consult with
the bank manager and disappears into a back office.

She finds the manager
and says, “There’s a frog called Kermit Jagger out  there who claims to know you
and wants to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this as collateral.” She holds
up the tiny pink elephant. “I mean, what in the world is this?”

going to love this)


(Wait for it)

The bank
manager looks back at her and says…”It’s a knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the
frog a loan. His old man’s a Rolling Stone.”







random thoughts for FRIDAY november 9th, 2012


your daily blog is sponsored by the wonderful folks at PIERSON FORD in the auto plaza in ABERDEEN….man oh man, do we have the inventory right now……check out the deals on wheels at our website at piersonford.com….

just click right here……..http://piersonford.com/



hmm…never thought of this one, but it’s true…


okay…i understand that you have fishing supplies in the back of your store, BUT YOU MIGHT WANT TO RE-THINK YOUR SIGN…


for all of you animals lovers….


i saw this JUSTIN BIEBER post the other night and just about wet myself laughing….


KERMIT THE FROG gets the bad news he has been dreading…


and, we end it with A BANG….


2.  a few of us were talking the other day about the original “HOLLYWOOD SQUARES.”  man, that was one great game show……it was hosted by the great PETER MARSHALL….nobody could have done a better job than him….

PETER MARSHALL is still alive….he is now 86….


the great and hilarious PAUL LYNDE had the middle square……he died in 1982 at the age of 55……

ROSE MARIE was a staple of the show…….

ROSE MARIE is still alive…she is now 89 years old…

one of the funniest guys in the original “HOLLYWOOD SQUARES” was CHARLIE WEAVER…….that’s just his stage name…did you know that CHARLIE WEAVER was the grandpa of actors PATRICIA, ROSANNA, AND DAVID ARQUETTE?   CHARLIE WEAVER died in 1974 at the age of 68….

WALLY COX had a permanent square on the show…..he didn’t live long….he died in 1973 at the tender age of 48 from a massive heart attack…WOW…THAT’S MY AGE….

NANETTE FABRAY was already a big star when she had a role on “HOLLYWOOD SQUARES”…

she is also still around..she is now 92 years old…here she is a couple years back with PHYLIS DILLER….

MARTY ALLEN was on the show a lot…i never quite got into his humor, but he was on the show quite often…

MARTY ALLEN is still performing at the age of 90…..

and JAN MURRAY also appeared on the show quite often…he died in 2006 at the age of 89….


3.  okay…i know you all are very busy…but you NEED to take four minutes and watch this awesome video….this will bring back great memories…here are some of the best lines ever delivered on the original “HOLLYWOOD SQUARES.”



4.  well, another election season is over…THANK GOODNESS….WOW….this one seemed to go on forever…..everybody knows already that PRESIDENT OBAMA was re-elected…….but i want to focus on a former president…RONALD REAGAN will go down as, quite possibly, my favorite president ever…..he once said a line that still rings true today…..check it out….


5.  after our sales meeting this morning at PIERSON FORD, KELLY, LEE AND I were talking about movies where you can almost quote every line in the movie…..i thought i would share a few of my favorites…

my wife and i drove my kids nuts repeating word for word the lines in the classic movie “STRANGE BREW”…the story of canadians BOB AND DOUG MCKENZIE….


another great “quote” movie is the STEVE MARTIN classic “THE MAN WITH TWO BRAINS…”    “GET THAT CAT OUT OF HERE.”

during the upcoming CHRISTMAS season, JEANNIE AND I will probably watch “SCROOGED” about ten times…….we sit around and talk right with it…….great lines like “GO BACK TO JERSEY YOU MORON”…

my wife loves to quote the movie “GALAXY QUEST.”  and now she has me doing it…we watch it every time it’s on…….”IS THERE AIR?  YOU DON’T KNOW!!”

and finally, who doesn’t love quoting lines from “YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN?”   “where did this brain come from?…aaah…ABBY SOMEONE….abby someone?  ABBY NORMAL, I BELIEVE..”  which of course was “abnormal.”  funny stuff……and everybody loves GENE WILDER and the monster singing “PUTTIN’ ON THE RITZ..”


6.  JACKSON family member JERMAINE JACKSON has petitioned to change his name……but, i don’t think i like his new name “JERMAINE KARDASHIAN.” ha ha…

7.  speaking of the KARDASHIANS, KIM was recently photographed parking in a handicapped zone……which is probably okay…she thought it meant “mentally handicapped” as well…..(YOU try living with this family….)


Billy Bob and Luther were talking one afternoon when Billy Bob tells Luther, “Ya know, I reckon I’m ’bout ready for a vacation. Only this year I’m gonna do it a little different. The last few years, I took your advice about where to go.
Three years ago you said to go to Hawaii. I went to Hawaii and Earline got pregnant.

Then two years ago, you told me to go to the Bahamas, and Earline got pregnant again.

Last year you suggested Tahiti and darned if Earline didn’t get pregnant again.”

Luther asks Billy Bob, “So, what you gonna do this year that’s different?”

Billy Bob says, “This year I’m taking Earline with me.”






random thoughts for monday november 5th, 2012

your daily blog is sponsored by PIERSON FORD in the auto plaza in ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA…….


click on the link to see our inventory, and to find out more as to why thousands of people flock back to PIERSON FORD every month…….great service…great inventory…..plus we can find the perfect vehicle you want…..



okay…this first one cracked me up BIG TIME yesterday….

the answer to the next one is …”POINT WELL TAKEN.”

and here’s a little “TITANIC” humor…

hhmmmm..i can relate to the next one….

and finally….another funny one….


2.  the legendary actor/singer/cowboy ROY ROGERS would have been 101 today…how about that?  this man was one of the classiest individuals that you could find anywhere…..good good man…

ROY ROGERS was married to DALE EVANS for 51 years, if my math is correct….which is highly questionable…ha ha..

and, ROY ROGERS had a famous horse named TRIGGER…and a famous dog named BULLET….

and believe it or not, i saw both TRIGGER and BULLET…how?  because they were both stuffed and place in the ROY ROGERS MUSEUM…..(rumor had it that ROY ROGERS wanted to be stuffed and place on TRIGGER after he died…..apparently, DALE EVANS put a stop to it…thankfully…)

here are a couple of later year pictures of ROY ROGERS and DALE EVANS….


3.  his loving wife DALE EVANS died in 2001 at the age of 88…here she is in her last few years….

4.  i have always thought that CLINT BLACK and ROY ROGERS could pass for father and son….and i’m not alone….many many people have thought the same thing…you be the judge…..

they had the exact same “eye squint”…….plus they did a video together called “HOLD ON PARTNER.”  check it out….



5.  half of the pair of “SIMON AND GARFUNKEL” has a birthday today….ART GARFUNKEL turns 71 today……remember him?

here’s ART GARFUNKEL today on his 71st birthday…plus some recent pictures of him with his singing partner PAUL SIMON…PAUL SIMON, by the way is also 71 years old….


6.  i need to play my favorite SIMON AND GARFUNKEL songs today…




i also love “THE BOXER.”



but, i do believe that my favorite SIMON AND GARFUNKEL song is “HOMEWARD BOUND.”



7.  by the way, if you love the music of SIMON AND GARFUNKEL like i do, i encourage you to go see JIM WITTER in ABERDEEN on november 13th.  he is doing a tribute to SIMON AND GARFUNKEL…it’s brought to you by the ABERDEEN AREA ARTS COUNCIL…for tickets and more information call 605-226-1557…TICKETS WILL GO FAST…


8.  my WASHINGTON REDSKINS sucked it up again yesterday…AT HOME…to the CAROLINA PANTHERS…i only bring that up for one reason……it’s called the “REDSKINS RULE.”  since 1940 this has happened every election except one…..if the REDSKINS win at home the sunday before the election, the incumbent wins…..if the REDSKINS lose at home the sunday before the election, the challenger wins….so, if you believe in this theory, MITT ROMNEY will win on tuesday…..i’m not being political here, i’m just throwing out a fun fact….we’ll see this year if the “REDSKINS RULE” is right again or not…

9. speaking of elections, i think i speak for the entire country when i say….GET THIS DAMN THING OVER WITH…..geez…i’m so tired of the backstabbing, mean ads that are running…..here’s the deal…TELL ME WHAT YOU WILL DO AND NOT WHAT THE OTHER PERSON WON’T DO…..

many people i know have become very upset with our government…i can’t tell you how many times i’ve heard the following statement…”IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO GETS IN, NOTHING WILL GET DONE, AND THEY WILL HAVE NO CONTROL TO DO ANYTHING.”   we’ll see….



this man and woman were married, and after a year the wife noticed that he wasn’t wearing his wedding ring anymore……she asked her husband why he wasn’t wearing his ring, and he said, “because it cuts off my circulation.”  and the wife said, “THAT’S WHAT IT’S SUPPOSED TO DO.”

and one more wedding joke…….

a man and his wife were in marriage counseling because they felt like they were growing apart…..the wife said to the therapist, “my husband doesn’t even know me anymore…he has no idea what i like and what i don’t like…heck, he doesn’t even know what my favorite flower is….do you honey?”   the man thought for a moment and said, “umm..it’s pillsbury, isn’t it?”





random thoughts for FRIDAY november 2nd, 2012



without PIERSON FORD, this blog would not continue…so i think you need to thank them…….if you are ever in, make sure to tell the boss thanks……if you want to call, just dial 1-800-627-1237.  i seriously would not be doing the blog anymore without their help……..PIERSON FORD is the home of the best vehicles around…FORD…..plus they carry a full line of pre-owned vehicles of every make and model.



this one makes sense, i guess….

TAYLOR SWIFT seems to write about heartbreak and breakups, so i guess this one makes sense….





this one is dedicated to a few people that i know…..




i always thought of writing a letter like this….




and, in honor of the NEW YORK CITY MARATHON, here’s a couple of “running jokes.”

this one is SO ME….


2.  well, we keep getting older and older, and so do our favorite celebrities…this one shocked me just a little bit…..yet it didn’t…..beautiful actress STEFANIE POWERS turns 70 today…you probably remember her for starring with ROBERT WAGNER on “HART TO HART.”

here’s STEFANIE POWERS today at 70….still looking pretty doggone good…..


3.  and speaking of her co-star ROBERT WAGNER, let’s feature him too….i was shocked to find out that ROBERT WAGNER IS 82 YEARS OLD….that just doesn’t seem right…..he was great on “HART TO HART”, but my favorite show of his was “SWITCH” with EDDIE ALBERT and SHARON GLESS……


ROBERT WAGNER was married to beautiful actress NATALIE WOOD…she apparently drowned back in 1981 at the age of 43……i say “apparently” because there are still weird circumstances surrounding her death.  she was on a boat with ROBERT WAGNER and CHRISTOPHER WALKEN when this happened…all kinds of rumors swirled around this deal, but the fact of the matter is, a beautiful actress, wife, and mother lost her life…here she is with her then hubby, ROBERT WAGNER….

i have always thought that ROBERT WAGNER was an incredibly good looking man…and he still is at 82…..

4.  now i know why NATALIE gave herself the stage name of NATALIE WOOD….do you know what her real name was?  i’m not joking about this…you can look it up…


NATALIA NIKOLAEVNA ZACHARENKO…..wow……try saying that three times…i can’t even say it ONCE…..

5.  well, another halloween is history…..we had a pretty good time handing out candy, except for a few kids that had the guts to COME BACK TWICE and ask for more candy…wow…i would have never done that as a child……one thing i hate about halloween being so late, is spending all that time on the kids costume and makeup, and then having to wear a coat over it……

6.  the big rukus today is the NEW YORK CITY MARATHON….they are still planning on doing it this sunday, even though it’s taking some people four hours to travel around the city because of damage from HURRICANE SANDY…..people are really divided over this…..bars and stores are in favor of it, of course, but a lot of average citizens are just shocked that it’s still continuing….

i find it odd that the PITTSBURGH STEELERS can’t find hotel rooms to stay in NEW YORK CITY after they play the GIANTS, yet the marathon is still going ahead…….i’m kind of mixed about it…..first of all, i don’t care about it.  never have, never will…unless i know of someone personally running in it…otherwise, it just doesn’t interest me…..but i do feel for the citizens of NEW YORK CITY…..all that damage…all that death…all that destruction…..yet thousands and thousands of people are going to crowd the streets for this event………

7.  it’s a good year for our school WARNER HIGH SCHOOL…the WARNER girls volleyball team haven’t lost all season…they’re 27-0 and number one in the state…they play tonight against their arch rival NORTHWESTERN for the district title….tomorrow night, our undefeated WARNER MONARCHS football team will host HERREID-SELBY for the right to head to the dome in VERMILLION for the state championship game………HERREID-SELBY is also undefeated…should be one heck of a game…..

8.  JOKE OF THE DAY:  (one of my all time favorites…)

this man decided to join the monastery to become a monk.  the head guy tells him that he must take the vow of silence, but is allowed to say TWO WORDS at the end of every year he is there….so, one year rolls around, the monk is brought into the head man’s office, and is told he can say two words…the monk says “FOOD COLD.”  the head guy apologizes and says he will look into it…..at the end of the second year, the monk is brought back in and is told he can say two words…he says, “BED HARD.”  so, the boss decides he will look into that as well…….it gets to the end of the third year, the monk is brought back in for his annual two words, and he yells, “I QUIT.”

the head guy looks at him and says, “I’M NOT SURPRISED….ALL YOU’VE DONE IS BITCH SINCE YOU’VE BEEN HERE.”






random thoughts for HALLOWEEN, wednesday october 31st, 2012


your halloween blog is brought to you by the spooky folks at PIERSON FORD in ABERDEEN…..we have scary deals on wheels…….terrifyingly low rates on financing……killer lease specials and more…



for all you “zombie” freaks…

hmm..i always thought that pumpkins were found on the ground and not in the delivery room…

this next one is HILARIOUS….


we should have tried the next one at our house…


2.  hey, how about some crazy halloween costumes…..SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST DOWNRIGHT CREATIVE!!!

a cool one for the pets…

a little “pregnancy” humor…….a little “bun in the oven.”

all i can say about the next one is…..WOW……..

here’s a cool one…..

hmm..and i thought hanging out with my friend made us a couple of boobs…..

this next one is HILARIOUS…

and finally,a  couple for the kids….


3.  how about some “scary” tv themes to sing along to…







i used to love this show on saturday morning…”SABRINA AND THE GROOVY GHOULIES.”



4.  and a couple of sing-a-long halloween classics….


remember the song “HAUNTED HOUSE?”



here’s “WITCH DOCTOR.”



a legendary song…”THE PURPLE PEOPLE EATER.”



does anybody remember BUCK OWENS halloween classic “MONSTER’S HOLIDAY?”



5.  probably my favorite halloween costume that i ever wore was when i was “PEE WEE HERMAN.”

this isn’t me, but it’s pretty much what i looked like…only older…ha ha

one of the most creative costumes we ever had was when JEANNIE AND I and our friends SHELLEY AND RANDY went as SANTA CLAUSE and PRESENTS…i was SANTA, and the other three were dressed up as presents, and they followed me around all night long….funny stuff….EXCEPT WHEN THE GIRLS HAD TO GO PODDY….NOT AN EASY CHORE…..








NUMBER THREE:  “THE AMITYVILLE HORROR”   (the original one…not the remake..ugh)


NUMBER TWO:  “THE EXORCIST.”   (it still terrifies me)





7.  and finally…some HALLOWEEN HUMOR….



10. You get winded from knocking on the door.

9. You have to have another kid chew the candy for you.

8. You ask for high fiber candy only.

7. When someone drops a candy bar in your bag, you lose your balance and fall over.

6. People say, “Great Keith Richards mask!” and you’re not wearing a mask.

5. When the door opens you yell, “Trick or…” and can’t remember the rest.

4. By the end of the night, you have a bag full of restraining orders.

3. You have to carefully choose a costume that won’t dislodge your hairpiece.

2. You’re the only Power Ranger in the neighborhood with a walker.

1. You avoid going to houses where your ex-wives live.





random thoughts for tuesday october 30th, 2012

just grab a marker and keep changing it….


your daily blog would not be possible without the wonderful folks at PIERSON FORD in the auto plaza in ABERDEEN…..two days left to take advantage of the october specials….great lease specials….the 2013’s continue to roll in every day……GREAT STAFF…FRIENDLY PEOPLE….you get it all at PIERSON FORD…….hope to see you soon!!



i will bet you any money the HORN DOESN’T WORK….


yep….i’ve had days like the next one…..it’s the DAYS THAT END IN “Y”…..

the next one is PERFECT for my family…..

and a little “HALLOWEEN EVE” humor….

2.  happy birthday wishes are in store for one of the greatest rock and roll voices EVER…..she’s the former lead singer of “JEFFERSON AIRPLANE” and “JEFFERSON STARSHIP.”  it’s, of course, GRACE SLICK…..

she’s not only beautiful, but it also says that “you know GRACE SLICK is the lead singer of these bands, just like you know MICK JAGGER is the lead singer of “THE ROLLING STONES.”  that might be a bit of a stretch, however, she had, and maybe has, an incredible voice……

it seems kind of crazy to say, but GRACE SLICK is 73 today…..SEVENTY THREE…how about that?  here she is today….looks a little different than the 1970’s, right?

3.  we also are celebrating birthday number 67 today for “THE FONZ”….well, not actually him, but the actor who played him…HENRY WINKLER……

in addition to “HAPPY DAYS”, HENRY WINKLER has had some other memorable roles…..i loved him as the coach in the ADAM SANDLER movie “THE WATERBOY.”

i don’t know if you have seen the CARTOON NETWORK-ADULT SWIM tv show “CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL” or not, but if you haven’t, you need to check it out…HENRY WINKLER is one of the stars of the show, and it is HILARIOUS…..my kids have watched it for three years and i’ve never sat down to watch it.  recently i did, and just about busted a gut laughing….

and yes, there’s a guy that wears clown makeup all the time….

here’s the great HENRY WINKLER today at 67……


“you’re soaking in it.”


MR. WHIPPLE returns….


“good to the last drop”….featuring MARGARET HAMILTON, who played the wicked witch in “THE WIZARD OF OZ.”


“how many licks?”  find out…


i either didn’t know this, or forgot about it, but there was a 1970’s commercial of the same name that was the original longer commercial…check it out….


and one last one for today…..remember these  on saturday mornings?


5.  i love playing fantasy football…but it gets so frustrating….as i mentioned yesterday, i had CLEVELAND BROWNS running back TRENT RICHARDSON on the bench because he had “serious rib injuries.”  well, i guessed that he wouldn’t play, because i would THINK that running the ball and getting hit in the ribs would be painful….but he played, and had 19 fantasy points on my bench….well, all i needed last night for a good night from SAN FRANCISCO 49’ERS wide receiver VERNON DAVIS….did i get it?  OF COURSE NOT….for the second week in a row, he sucked…actually, he didn’t suck, they just didn’t throw the ball to him.  last week he had ZERO POINTS, with ZERO THROWS TO HIM…last night he got me five points….not nearly enough to win…..as much as i love fantasy football, it seems to frustrate me about the same…..

6.  WOW….my WARNER MONARCHS football team crushed WILMOT last night 64-14 by HALFTIME….man, these kids are on a roll…they play this saturday, and if they win, they go to the dome for the championship…how exciting…..

but here’s some more big news from last night..our coach, TOM KULESA, won his 100th game as a high school football coach…

that’s an incredible feat for a good guy….TOM is a former ROSLYN VIKING, just like my beautiful wife is……..WAY TO GO TOM…PROUD OF ALL OF YOU….

7.  my beautiful bride made hot caramel rolls this morning…seriously, there’s nothing better than hot caramel rolls out of the oven with some melted butter on them……and yes, i have a stomach ache right now….way way way overdid it…..

8.  JOKE OF THE DAY: (a classic!!!)

Three Little Pigs went out to dinner one night.
The waiter comes and takes their drink order.
“I would like a Sprite,” said the first little piggy.
“I would like a Coke,” said the second little piggy.
“I want water, lots and lots of water,” said the third little piggy.


The drinks are brought out and the waiter takes their orders for dinner.
“I want a nice big steak,” said the first piggy.
“I would like the salad plate,” said the second piggy.
“I want water, lots and lots of water,” said the third little piggy.


The meals were brought out and a while later the waiter
approached the table & asked if the piggies would like any dessert.
“I want a banana split,” said the first piggy.
“I want a root beer float,” said the second piggy.
“I want water, lots and lots of water,” exclaimed the third little piggy.


“Pardon me for asking,” said the waiter! to the third little piggy,
“but why have you only ordered water all evening?”
The third piggy says,
“Well, somebody has to go ‘Wee, wee, wee, all the way home!”



random thoughts for monday october 29th, 2012



your daily blog is sponsored by PIERSON FORD in the auto plaza in ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA….hey, it’s the last three days of the month!!  the perfect time to head into PIERSON FORD and find the vehicle of your dreams….many of the incentives could end at the end of the month, so stop by today…..



this one gave me the giggles this morning….


every day feels the way the next one feels…..


i always wondered about the next one…ha ha…

and last but certainly not least……


2.  today we’re going to salute the cast of “FAMILY TIES.”  remember their theme song?


here’s the update on the cast:

MICHAEL J. FOX played the son “ALEX P. KEATON”.  he is now 51…..

MEREDITH BAXTER played the mom “ELYSE”.  she is not 65…..

her tv husband MICHAEL GROSS played STEVEN KEATON…believe it or not, not only were they tv husband and wife, but they share the SAME BIRTHDAY and are THE SAME AGE….65…..how ironic is that?

JUSTINE BATEMAN played the oldest daughter “MALLORY.”  she is now 46….

TINA YOTHERS played the daughter “JENNIFER.”  she is 30 and shares the same birthday as yours truly…may 5th…..

BRIAN BONSALL played the youngest child “ANDY.”


here is a recent picture of THE KEATON FAMILY from “FAMILY TIES.”

also featured is actress TRACY POLLAN who played ALEX’S girlfriend “ELLEN REED.”  and she married MICHAEL J. FOX and they are still married today.

the only one missing is BRIAN BONSALL.  here’s a picture of him on the show and a recent picture, too.


3.  yesterday was one of my favorite sundays of the church year….”REFORMATION SUNDAY”…it’s the day we lutherans celebrate MARTIN LUTHER.  he was a catholic priest who was unhappy with some of the policies of the church, so he nailed a sheet of 95 theses to a church door and caused a revolution, but also started the lutheran religion……

the next thing about MARTIN LUTHER was that he didn’t want all the attention that he received.  he didn’t want a revolution to start.  he only wanted dialogue with the church.  but, the rest is history.  i love the story of MARTIN LUTHER and each “REFORMATION SUNDAY” i seem to learn a little more about this amazing man.



my WASHINGTON REDSKINS lost to the PITTSBURGH STEELERS yesterday in NFL action….they lost fair and square and looked HORRIBLE…i think my WARNER MONARCHS could have beaten them yesterday….the main reason?  ELEVEN DROPPED PASSES BY OUR WIDE RECEIVERS…..three or four of them were wide open touchdown runs…….what makes me sad is that it reflects on our star rookie quarterback ROBERT GRIFFIN III, or “RG3.”  but it wasn’t his fault.  his passes were on the money……..i was actually embarrassed yesterday for the SKINS players….hopefully they regroup this week.


5.  other NFL notes…

***of course, i would have CLEVELAND BROWN’S running back TRENT RICHARDSON on my fantasy football bench yesterday when he errupts for 19 fantasy points…he has been hurt and was questionable, so i rested him……CRAP….the BROWNS beat a very bad playing SAN DIEGO team yesterday…..

***i don’t feel bad at all about the DALLAS COWBOYS losing yesterday…don’t like the team…can’t like the team when i’m a REDSKINS fan…plus, i think that JERRY JONES is the most arrogant owner in football…anyway, they literally lost the game on INCHES……..DEZ BRYANT caught one in the end zone, but his knuckles were over the white line…that’s how close it was…….but you can’t win with six turnovers……FOUR INTERCEPTIONS BY TONY ROMO…..


***PEYTON MANNING seems to be in all star shape again…man, he looks good…..

***MICHAEL VICK may be benched this week.  he has looked horrible this year…..which is okay with me being they are in our division……

***the lowly CAROLINA PANTHERS just about pulled off a huge upset in CHICAGO yesterday…the BEARS needed a last second field goal to beat them.


6.  we didn’t get to our movie date night and haunted forest saturday night…..i had “flu like” symptoms saturday night, but felt much better sunday…by the way, the movie “PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4” has been getting killed by critics and fans….they are saying it’s horrible…..i actually didn’t even understand the movie trailer i watched the other day………but, i still have to see it……love to get scared in the theaters………

7.  HURRICANE SANDY is bearing down on the east coast…our thoughts and prayers are with everyone out east.  this looks like a monster storm.  it even has the name of “FRANKENSTORM”, or “THE PERFECT STORM.”  hopefully it fizzles, but it doesn’t appear that it will……..



Things Not To Say During Childbirth….

— Gosh, you’re lucky. I sure wish men could experience the miracle of childbirth.

— Do you think the baby will come before Monday Night Football starts?

— I hope your ready. The Glamour Shot photographer will be here in fifteen minutes.

— If you think this hurts, I should tell you about the time I twisted my ankle playing basketball.

— That was the kids on the phone. Did you have anything planned for dinner?

— You don’t need an epidural. Just relax and enjoy the moment.

— This whole experience kind of reminds me of an episode from I Love Lucy.

— Oops! Which cord was I supposed to cut?

— Stop your swearing and just breathe.

— Remember what we learned in Lamaze class! HEE HEE HOO HOO. You’re not using the right words.

— Your stomach still looks like there’s another one in there.





random thoughts for FRIDAY october 26th, 2012

HEY, CHECK OUT THE NEW HEADER AT THE TOP….AWESOME, HUH?  (thanks to rusty at hub city radio for doing that!!!)

hmm…ever thought about this?

your daily blog is possible because of the gang at PIERSON FORD in ABERDEEN….great lease specials thru the end of the month…an incredible selection of new and pre-owned, and super duper nice people….that’s right, we’re the entire package, and we’re waiting for you….

PIERSON FORD is in the auto plaza, north highway 281 in ABERDEEN…see the vehicles at piersonford.com, or call us at 1-800-627-1237.


hmm..never thought of this…

this next one made me laugh out loud….


and finally……

2.  today would have been the 98 today….most people remember him as “UNCLE FESTER” from “THE ADDAMS FAMILY.” (he’s the bald guy standing by LERCH.)

however, JACKIE COOGAN got his start in a hollywood classic movie…he played “THE KID” in the CHARLIE CHAPLIN movie of the same name… “THE KID.”

JACKIE COOGAN died march 1st, 1984 at the age of 69….here is a picture of his grave and of him in his later years….

3.  by the way, the actor who played LURCH had a real name of TED CASSIDY.  i was checking out his bio and found out that he died at a very young age.  he was only 46 when he died back in 1979….hmm..now that i’m 48, 46 isn’t that darn old…..here’s a later year picture of him….

4.  actor BOB HOSKINS hits a milestone today.  he turns 70 years old…i did not know this, but this past august BOB HOSKINS retired from show business due to parkinson’s disease.  had no idea…..

BOB HOSKINS has had many different roles, but he’s mostly known for playing in “WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT?”

his last role was in the 2012 movie “SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN”, which by the way was a very very good movie….in this movie he played one of the seven dwarfs, believe it or not……

we certainly wish BOB HOSKINS the absolute best in his retirement, and we thank him for his wonderful roles that have given us many many great memories….

here’s BOB HOSKINS recently….

5.  SATURDAY NIGHT SHOULD BE AWESOME!!!!  my beautiful babe and i are trying to figure out what to do saturday night, and i think we’ve decided on a pretty awesome night…….there are three steps….

STEP ONE:  supper together…probably at MAVERICKS or BULLY’S or something like that…

STEP TWO:  go see “PARANORMAL ACTIVITY FOUR” and get the crap scared out of us.

STEP THREE:  close out the night with a good ole fashioned walk thru the HAUNTED FOREST….

***let me clarify something…i haven’t gotten TOTAL approval of this plan yet…but JEANNIE didn’t say no……we love this time of year, so i’ll be we pull this off…..might even call some of our “scaredy cat” friends to go with…ha ha…

6.  two weeks ago my WASHINGTON REDSKINS faced my new boss, TOM BARBER’S team, the MINNESOTA VIKINGS…..we won….

this sunday, my REDSKINS face my general sales manager’s team….KELLY KRAUSZ’S favorite team is the PITTSBURGH STEELERS…..

i hope this game is UGLY….i hope this game is a HUGE WIN for my REDSKINS….and i hope the STEELERS play UGLY….but not quite as UGLY as their uniforms are going to be…..the STEELERS are supposed to be wearing their 80th anniversary jerseys…check them hideous babies out…..

we may have to let them win just out of pity for their ugly uniforms…..YEESH….

7.  i heard on ESPN yesterday that the UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA school is dropping the term “freshman” to find something more gender fitting…..hmmm…thinking back to my freshman year at NSU, may i suggest “DRUNKS?”  

8.  just when i mention that i haven’t heard from SNOOKI, she crawls out from under the rock she lives under and let’s us know that she “wants her baby to grow up to have a normal life.”  ummm…really?  and just what about your life is normal, SNOOKI?   i’d be curious to see what the world “normal” means to someone like her…right?

9.  JOKE OF THE DAY: (sick…but funny..hee hee)

Patient: I’m in a hospital! Why am I in here?

Doctor: You’ve had an accident involving a bus.

Patient: What happened?

Doctor: Well, I’ve got some good news and some bad news. Which would you like to hear first?

Patient: Give me the bad news first.

Doctor: Your legs were injured so badly that we had to amputate both of them.

Patient: That’s terrible! What’s the good news?

Doctor: There’s a guy in the next ward who made a very good offer on your slippers.



random thoughts for thursday october 25th, 2012


your daily blog would not be possible without the help of the great gang at PIERSON FORD in ABERDEEN…..check out our lot in the auto plaza for virtually every make and model.  plus we have a tremendous selection of new FORDS in the 2012’s and 2013’s.



isnt’ this an adorable halloween costume?

i totally agree with the next thing……

i never tried the next one..i just TOOK candy from my kids…ha ha..


2.  we fell asleep last night watching the movie “SPLASH.”  it starred DARYL HANNAH and TOM HANKS…it was about a mermaid that comes on land to find her true love.  i had actually forgotten about the movie, and as cheesy as it may have been, i enjoyed it.

***it’s amazing to watch TOM HANKS in movies like “SPLASH”, “BACHELOR PARTY” and others, and then watch him become the academy award winning actor that he is!!

today i thought i would feature DARYL HANNAH. i haven’t heard from her in awhile.  she got her start in the 1978 movie “THE FURY”, however, it was “SPLASH” that put her on the map.

she also appeared in fun movies like “STEEL MAGNOLIAS.”

DARYL HANNAH is now 51 years old…here she is today.

3.  i was coming home from church in HECLA last night and was, of course, listening to my SIRIUS satellite radio.  i stopped briefly on the 80’s channel, and found SCOTT BAIO hosting an 80’s music show.  yes, thee SCOTT BAIO.  he was telling stories about hanging around with VALERIE BERTINELLI and EDDIE VAN HALEN among other stories.  let’s salute this young man…..

SCOTT BAIO is mostly known for playing “CHACHI” on “HAPPY DAYS”, and “JOANIE LOVES CHACHI” with ERIN MORAN.

and, of course, you will remember him for starring as “CHARLES” in “CHARLES IN CHARGE.”

SCOTT BAIO is now 52 years old..here he is today.

4.  SCOTT BAIO’S tv co-star ERIN MORAN hasn’t had the best of times since their shows…..reports recently said that the 52 year old is broke and homeless.  how sad, if it is true.  SCOTT BAIO said recently that he has not reached out to her, because he has in the past and it hasn’t worked out.  as he says “sometimes you make your bed and you have to lie in it.”

here’s ERIN MORAN recently…

5.  my beautiful wife and i are going to take in a movie tonight…we’re going to see the BEN AFFLECK movie “ARGO.”  it apparently ends tonight in ABERDEEN, and we wanted to see it.  i had plans to curl up on the couch with some popcorn and watch the MINNESOTA VIKINGS play the TAMPA BAY BUCS in NFL football tonight, but i’d rather be with my darling…..it looks like a pretty good movie.  it’s about the rescue of people being held captive in IRAN  years ago.  supposedly a true story, too.

6.  I AM SO EXCITED FOR FRIDAY NIGHT!!! one of my favorite duos in country music history is coming to REDFIELD….it’s JIM ED BROWN AND HELEN CORNELIUS.  who didn’t like the great country songs like “I DON’T WANT TO HAVE TO MARRY YOU”, “LYING IN LOVE WITH YOU”, “MORNING COMES TOO EARLY”, and many many more…

i have always wanted to see these guys…and i’m thrilled that i get to see them so close to home!!!

7.  see if you remember their songs?

here is “I DON’T WANT TO HAVE TO MARRY YOU”, which, by the way, was written by radio star DON IMUS’ brother FRED IMUS….


and this next one is my favorite song of theirs…”LYING IN LOVE WITH YOU.”


8.  i talked to a guy recently who is in his 40’s and has NEVER EVER VOTED…NOT EVEN ONCE…. he was griping about something about one of the candidates, and i informed him that unless he votes he has no right to bitch and moan…it’s probably the wrong attitude to have with this guy, but it burns me that we have these incredible liberties that people don’t take advantage of……we have these freedoms that others around the world would absolutely give their lives for…….

9.  it’s a good day….haven’t heard any news recently on KIM KARDASHIAN, LINDSAY LOHAN, “SNOOKI”, and other “so-called” celebrities…….maybe their 15 minutes of fame are finally up….well, a guy can dream, can’t he?


An elderly woman went to her local doctor’s office and asked to speak with her doctor. When the receptionist asked why she was there, she replied, “I’d like to have some birth control pills.”

Taken back, the doctor thought for a minute and then said, “Excuse me, Mrs. Glenwood, but you’re 80 years old. What would you possibly need birth control pills for?”

The woman replied, “They help me sleep better.”

The doctor considered this for a second, and continued… “How in the world do birth control pills help you sleep?”

The woman said, “I put them in my granddaughter’s orange juice, and I sleep better at night.”